A Tribute to all Mothers

Hi everyone!


Deirdre here, popping on to share my latest blog post and an offer to mark this coming weekend’s occasion (in case you forgot, it’s Mother’s Day this Sunday!)


Every Mother’s Day, I take a moment to reflect on the connection between the nurturing essence of motherhood, the awe-inspiring force of Mother Nature, and the significance of sustainability.


Motherhood, in its myriad forms, is an embodiment of selfless love, unwavering strength, and boundless compassion. Mothers, whether biological, adoptive, or those who nurture in other ways create a foundation of support, much like the roots of a tree (walnut perhaps? :) ), anchoring us in both challenging and joyful moments.


On Mother’s Day, I always like to extend my gratitude not only to human mothers but also to the ultimate matriarch—Mother Earth. With her abundant resources and life-sustaining ecosystems, our planet deserves our utmost care and respect. It goes without saying, that when we look after our planet, she looks after us and our future generations.


Deeca Design was founded in an effort to contribute to this ethos, taking part in a movement toward conscious choice-making and sustainable fashion. The collection is crafted using sustainably sourced hardwoods, creating pieces that resonate with the principles of care, compassion, and responsible stewardship in the pursuit of sustainable living.


This week, you can take 20% off your favourite pieces in the entire collection - use code GAIA20 when you’re checking out.


Wishing all Mothers, in every capacity, a wonderful Mother’s Day this weekend.





Humble Beginnings